2025 Summer/Fall Plant Availability

The 2025 Summer/Fall program is open for online ordering.


Item # Plant Name Avail Units Avail Plants Pack Size
Allium (Ornamental Onion)
6014002518 Allium 'Gladiator'
*Ships 09/15 - 10/13
18 450 25 18/+ cm
6014502520 Allium 'Globemaster'
*Ships 09/15 - 10/13
50 1250 25 20/+ cm
1702385 Allium 'Millenium'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/25
13 390 30 3" Plug
1702415 Allium tanguticum 'Summer Beauty'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/25
78 2340 30 3" Plug
1702425 Allium 'Windy City'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/25
40 1200 30 3" Plug
Aquilegia (Columbine)
1703657 Aquilegia 'Earlybird™ Purple Blue'
*Ships 08/04 - 08/25
8 576 72 72 Cell
1703677 Aquilegia 'Earlybird™ Purple Yellow'
*Ships 08/04 - 08/25
8 576 72 72 Cell
1703697 Aquilegia 'Earlybird™ Red Yellow'
*Ships 08/04 - 08/25
8 576 72 72 Cell
1703647 Aquilegia 'Earlybird™ Yellow'
*Ships 08/04 - 08/25
12 864 72 72 Cell
1703737 Aquilegia 'Songbird Bluebird'
*Ships 08/04 - 08/25
11 792 72 72 Cell
1703827 Aquilegia 'Songbird Cardinal'
*Ships 08/04 - 08/25
11 792 72 72 Cell
Aster (New England Aster)
1705458 Aster novae-angliae 'Purple Dome'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
19 950 50 50 Cell
1705508 Aster novi-belgii 'Showmakers® Blue Bayou'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
20 1000 50 50 Cell
1705568 Aster novi-belgii 'Showmakers® Magenta'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
18 900 50 50 Cell
1705588 Aster novi-belgii 'Showmakers® Pretty Pink'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
20 1000 50 50 Cell
Astilbe (False Spirea)
1705857 Astilbe arendsii 'Bridal Veil'
*Ships 08/04 - 09/02
25 625 25 3-5 Eye
1707147 Astilbe chinensis 'Vision in Pink'
*Ships 08/04 - 09/02
6 150 25 3-5 Eye
1707172 Astilbe chinensis 'Vision in Red'
*Ships 08/04 - 09/02
47 1175 25 3-5 Eye
1707707 Astilbe japonica 'Peach Blossom'
*Ships 08/04 - 09/02
12 300 25 3-5 Eye
Calamagrostis (Feather Reed Grass)
1776107 Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Karl Foerster'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/25
20 1440 72 72 Cell
1776147 Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Overdam'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/25
5 360 72 72 Cell
1776127 Calamagrostis x acutiflora 'Lightning Strike™'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/25
13 936 72 72 Cell
Camassia (Wild Hyacinth)
6062010012 Camassia leichtlinii 'Caerulea'  NEW
*Ships 09/15 - 10/13
39 3900 100 12/14cm
Chrysanthemum (Hardy Mum)
1910118 Chrysanthemum 'Mammoth™ Coral Daisy'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
43 2150 50 50 Cell
1910038 Chrysanthemum 'Mammoth™ Dark Bronze Daisy'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
36 1800 50 50 Cell
1910108 Chrysanthemum 'Mammoth™ Lavender Daisy'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
50 2500 50 50 Cell
1910148 Chrysanthemum 'Mammoth™ Red Daisy'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
50 2500 50 50 Cell
1910178 Chrysanthemum 'Mammoth™ Yellow Quill'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
56 2800 50 50 Cell
Coreopsis (Tickseed)
1712367 Coreopsis grandiflora 'Solanna™ Sunset Bright'  NEW
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
12 864 72 72 Cell
1712397 Coreopsis grandiflora 'Solanna™ Sunset Burst'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
13 936 72 72 Cell
1712747 Coreopsis 'Uptick™ Gold and Bronze'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
20 1440 72 72 Cell
1713007 Coreopsis verticillata 'Moonbeam'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/25
39 2808 72 72 Cell
1713107 Coreopsis verticillata 'Zagreb'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/25
59 4248 72 72 Cell
Dianthus (Border Carnation)
1716557 Dianthus 'Beauties® Kahori'
*Ships 08/04 - 08/25
9 648 72 72 Cell
1716637 Dianthus 'Everlast™ Lavender Shimmer'  NEW
*Ships 08/04 - 08/25
19 1368 72 72 Cell
1716237 Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Firewitch'
*Ships 08/04 - 08/25
47 3384 72 72 Cell
Mountain Frost™
1716367 Dianthus 'Mountain Frost™ Red Garnet'
*Ships 08/04 - 08/25
10 720 72 72 Cell
1716347 Dianthus 'Mountain Frost™ Ruby Glitter'
*Ships 08/04 - 08/25
21 1512 72 72 Cell
1716337 Dianthus 'Mountain Frost™ Ruby Snow'
*Ships 08/04 - 08/25
10 720 72 72 Cell
Star Single™
1716377 Dianthus 'Star Single™ Neon Star Improved'
*Ships 08/04 - 08/25
17 1224 72 72 Cell
Dicentra spectabilis (Old Fashioned Bleeding Heart)
1718300 Dicentra spectabilis
*Ships 08/18 - 10/13
155 3875 25 2-3 Eye
1718350 Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba'
*Ships 08/18 - 10/13
66 1650 25 2-3 Eye
Echinacea (Coneflower)
1719208 Echinacea 'Artisan™ Red Ombre'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/11
17 850 50 50 Cell
1719228 Echinacea 'Artisan™ Yellow Ombre'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/11
14 700 50 50 Cell
1718838 Echinacea 'Cheyenne Spirit'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/11
69 3450 50 50 Cell
Double Scoop™
1793108 Echinacea 'Double Scoop™ Strawberry Deluxe'  NEW
*Ships 06/02 - 08/11
26 1300 50 50 Cell
1793158 Echinacea 'Double Scoop™ Watermelon Deluxe'  NEW
*Ships 06/02 - 08/11
37 1850 50 50 Cell
1719107 Echinacea purpurea 'Magnus'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/11
43 3096 72 72 Cell
1793308 Echinacea purpurea 'Prairie Blaze™ Vintage Lime'  NEW
*Ships 06/02 - 08/11
37 1850 50 50 Cell
Pow Wow™
1719277 Echinacea purpurea 'POW WOW™ White'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/11
15 1080 72 72 Cell
1719167 Echinacea purpurea 'POW WOW™ Wild Berry'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/11
53 3816 72 72 Cell
1718728 Echinacea 'Sombrero® Adobe Orange'  NEW
*Ships 06/02 - 08/11
17 850 50 50 Cell
1718768 Echinacea 'Sombrero® Lemon Yellow Improved'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/11
21 1050 50 50 Cell
1719038 Echinacea 'Sombrero® Salsa Red'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/11
26 1300 50 50 Cell
1793508 Echinacea 'SunSeekers Apple Green'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/11
20 1000 50 50 Cell
1793538 Echinacea 'SunSeekers Mineola'  NEW
*Ships 06/02 - 08/11
29 1450 50 50 Cell
1719348 Echinacea 'SunSeekers Rainbow'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/11
33 1650 50 50 Cell
1719058 Echinacea 'SunSeekers Salmon'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/11
13 650 50 50 Cell
1793558 Echinacea 'SunSeekers Sweet Fuchsia'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/11
30 1500 50 50 Cell
1719358 Echinacea 'SunSeekers Tequila Sunrise'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/11
21 1050 50 50 Cell
Eupatorium (Joe Pye Weed)
1719788 Eupatorium dubium 'Baby Joe'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
16 800 50 50 Cell
Festuca (Blue Fescue Grass)
1776277 Festuca glauca 'Beyond Blue'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/25
17 1224 72 72 Cell
1776307 Festuca glauca 'Elijah Blue'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/25
20 1440 72 72 Cell
Gaillardia (Blanket Flower)
1720807 Gaillardia aristata 'Arizona Sun'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
13 936 72 72 Cell
Geranium (Cranesbill)
1723608 Geranium 'Rozanne'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
5 250 50 50 Cell
1723057 Geranium sanguineum 'Max Frei'
*Ships 09/02 - 10/13
24 600 25 #1 Div.
1723077 Geranium sanguineum 'New Hampshire Purple'
*Ships 09/02 - 10/13
37 925 25 #1 Div.
Helleborus (Lenten Rose)
1725005 Helleborus orientalis 'Eternal Spark'  NEW
*Ships 09/15 - 10/13
87 2610 30 3" Plug
1725085 Helleborus 'WALBERTON'S® Rosemary'
*Ships 09/15 - 10/13
49 1470 30 3" Plug
1725015 Helleborus x hybridus 'Angel Glow'  NEW
*Ships 09/15 - 10/13
80 2400 30 3" Plug
1725105 Helleborus x hybridus 'Tutu'  NEW
*Ships 09/15 - 10/13
90 2700 30 3" Plug
1725195 Helleborus x hybridus 'White Tutu'  NEW
*Ships 09/15 - 10/13
90 2700 30 3" Plug
Hemerocallis (Daylily)
1725278 Hemerocallis 'Baja'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
40 4000 100 #1 Div.
1725290 Hemerocallis 'Band of Fire'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
89 2225 25 #1 Div.
1725340 Hemerocallis 'Bela Lugosi'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
48 1200 25 #1 Div.
1725638 Hemerocallis 'Canadian Border Patrol'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
20 2000 100 #1 Div.
1726378 Hemerocallis 'Entrapment'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
45 4500 100 #1 Div.
1726370 Hemerocallis 'Entrapment'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
34 850 25 #1 Div.
1726588 Hemerocallis 'Fragrant Returns'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
35 3500 100 #1 Div.
1726760 Hemerocallis 'Hanalei Bay'  NEW
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
77 1925 25 #1 Div.
1726808 Hemerocallis 'Happy Returns'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
61 6100 100 #1 Div.
1726800 Hemerocallis 'Happy Returns'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
37 925 25 #1 Div.
1727378 Hemerocallis 'Mauna Loa'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
8 800 100 #1 Div.
1727370 Hemerocallis 'Mauna Loa'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
35 875 25 #1 Div.
1727500 Hemerocallis 'Moonlit Masquerade'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
35 875 25 #1 Div.
1727508 Hemerocallis 'Moonlit Masquerade'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
59 5900 100 #1 Div.
1727608 Hemerocallis 'Night Beacon'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
40 4000 100 #1 Div.
1727630 Hemerocallis 'Night Embers'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
44 1100 25 #1 Div.
1727708 Hemerocallis 'Pardon Me'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
60 6000 100 #1 Div.
1727720 Hemerocallis 'Perceptive'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
54 1350 25 #1 Div.
1727848 Hemerocallis 'Rocket City'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
19 1900 100 #1 Div.
1727878 Hemerocallis 'Ruby Stella'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
49 4900 100 #1 Div.
1728278 Hemerocallis 'Siloam French Doll'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
20 2000 100 #1 Div.
1728288 Hemerocallis 'Siloam Grace Stamile'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
20 2000 100 #1 Div.
1728268 Hemerocallis 'Siloam Royal Prince'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
20 2000 100 #1 Div.
1728408 Hemerocallis 'South Seas'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
39 3900 100 #1 Div.
1728400 Hemerocallis 'South Seas'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
35 875 25 #1 Div.
1728808 Hemerocallis 'Stella D'Oro'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
294 29400 100 #1 Div.
1728858 Hemerocallis 'Stella Supreme'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
70 7000 100 #1 Div.
1729908 Hemerocallis 'Strawberry Candy'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
39 3900 100 #1 Div.
1729900 Hemerocallis 'Strawberry Candy'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
32 800 25 #1 Div.
1730300 Hemerocallis 'Vanilla Fluff'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
34 850 25 #1 Div.
1730380 Hemerocallis 'Water Dragon'  NEW
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
37 925 25 #1 Div.
1730400 Hemerocallis 'Wineberry Candy'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
38 950 25 #1 Div.
1730550 Hemerocallis 'You've Got Soul'
*Ships 08/11 - 08/11
74 1850 25 #1 Div.
Heuchera (Coral Bells)
1730667 Heuchera 'Berry Smoothie'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/28
30 2160 72 72 Cell
1730657 Heuchera 'Black Forest Cake'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/28
11 792 72 72 Cell
1730707 Heuchera 'Caramel'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/28
51 3672 72 72 Cell
1730917 Heuchera 'Carnival™ Cinnamon Stick'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/28
25 1800 72 72 Cell
1730897 Heuchera 'Changeling'  NEW
*Ships 06/02 - 07/28
19 1368 72 72 Cell
1730907 Heuchera 'Cherry Cola'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/28
23 1656 72 72 Cell
1730957 Heuchera 'Eternal Flame'  NEW
*Ships 06/02 - 07/28
32 2304 72 72 Cell
1731017 Heuchera 'Fire Alarm'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/28
19 1368 72 72 Cell
1731027 Heuchera 'Forever® Purple'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/28
30 2160 72 72 Cell
1731047 Heuchera 'Forever® Red'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/28
31 2232 72 72 Cell
1730997 Heuchera 'Georgia Peach'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/28
39 2808 72 72 Cell
Indian Summer
1731117 Heuchera 'Indian Summer Silverberry'  NEW
*Ships 06/02 - 07/28
28 2016 72 72 Cell
1731227 Heuchera 'Lime Marmalade'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/28
17 1224 72 72 Cell
1731807 Heuchera micrantha 'Palace Purple'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/28
30 2160 72 72 Cell
1731277 Heuchera 'Midnight Rose'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/28
38 2736 72 72 Cell
Northern Exposure™
1731327 Heuchera 'Northern Exposure™ Amber'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/28
19 1368 72 72 Cell
1731367 Heuchera 'Northern Exposure™ Black'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/28
5 360 72 72 Cell
1731357 Heuchera 'Northern Exposure™ Red'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/28
18 1296 72 72 Cell
1731337 Heuchera 'Northern Exposure™ Silver'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/28
15 1080 72 72 Cell
1731407 Heuchera 'Obsidian'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/28
53 3816 72 72 Cell
1731427 Heuchera 'Paris'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/28
29 2088 72 72 Cell
Heucherella (Foamy Bells)
1732147 Heucherella 'Gold Zebra'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/28
14 1008 72 72 Cell
1732167 Heucherella 'Solar Eclipse'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/28
14 1008 72 72 Cell
1732177 Heucherella 'Sweet Tea'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/28
13 936 72 72 Cell
Hosta (Plantain Lily)
7532857 Hosta 'Abiqua Drinking Gourd'
*Ships 06/09 - 07/14
24 1728 72 72 Cell
7532977 Hosta 'Ann Kulpa'
*Ships 06/09 - 07/14
12 864 72 72 Cell
1733307 Hosta 'Blue Angel'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
24 600 25 2-3 Eye
7533307 Hosta 'Blue Angel'
*Ships 06/09 - 07/14
18 1296 72 72 Cell
7533777 Hosta 'Captain Kirk'  NEW
*Ships 06/09 - 07/14
9 648 72 72 Cell
7534027 Hosta 'Diana Remembered'
*Ships 06/09 - 07/14
5 360 72 72 Cell
4533955 Hosta 'Dream Queen'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
20 600 30 3" Plug
7534017 Hosta 'Dream Weaver'  NEW
*Ships 06/09 - 07/14
14 1008 72 72 Cell
7533967 Hosta 'Earth Angel'
*Ships 06/09 - 07/14
20 1440 72 72 Cell
4534035 Hosta 'Emerald Ruff Cut'  NEW
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
20 600 30 3" Plug
7534037 Hosta 'Emerald Ruff Cut'  NEW
*Ships 06/09 - 07/14
18 1296 72 72 Cell
4534105 Hosta 'Fire and Ice (fortunei)'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
21 630 30 3" Plug
7134104 Hosta 'Fire Island'
*Ships 06/09 - 07/14
20 2100 105 105 Cell
7534107 Hosta 'Fire Island'
*Ships 06/09 - 07/14
24 1728 72 72 Cell
1734205 Hosta 'fortunei Aureomarginata'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
39 975 25 2-3 Eye
1734407 Hosta 'Francee'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
34 850 25 2-3 Eye
7534407 Hosta 'Francee'
*Ships 06/09 - 07/14
13 936 72 72 Cell
7534507 Hosta 'Frances Williams'
*Ships 06/09 - 07/14
18 1296 72 72 Cell
7535007 Hosta 'Great Expectations (sieboldiana)'
*Ships 06/09 - 07/14
13 936 72 72 Cell
7535107 Hosta 'Guacamole'
*Ships 06/09 - 07/14
16 1152 72 72 Cell
7135204 Hosta 'Halcyon'
*Ships 06/09 - 07/14
14 1470 105 105 Cell
7535207 Hosta 'Halcyon'
*Ships 06/09 - 07/14
17 1224 72 72 Cell
7135704 Hosta 'June'
*Ships 06/09 - 07/14
20 2100 105 105 Cell
7535707 Hosta 'June'
*Ships 06/09 - 07/14
2 144 72 72 Cell
7536407 Hosta 'Minuteman'
*Ships 06/09 - 07/14
28 2016 72 72 Cell
7536557 Hosta 'Moonstruck'  NEW
*Ships 06/09 - 07/14
15 1080 72 72 Cell
7137104 Hosta 'Patriot'
*Ships 06/09 - 07/14
13 1365 105 105 Cell
1737107 Hosta 'Patriot'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
93 2325 25 2-3 Eye
7537107 Hosta 'Patriot'
*Ships 06/09 - 07/14
15 1080 72 72 Cell
7137404 Hosta 'Queen Josephine'
*Ships 06/09 - 07/14
20 2100 105 105 Cell
7537407 Hosta 'Queen Josephine'
*Ships 06/09 - 07/14
11 792 72 72 Cell
7538207 Hosta 'So Sweet'
*Ships 06/09 - 07/14
13 936 72 72 Cell
7538377 Hosta 'Stained Glass'
*Ships 06/09 - 07/14
9 648 72 72 Cell
7538607 Hosta 'Sum and Substance'
*Ships 06/09 - 07/14
3 216 72 72 Cell
1739507 Hosta 'Wide Brim'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
34 850 25 2-3 Eye
Iberis (Candytuft)
1740277 Iberis sempervirens 'Snowsation'
*Ships 08/04 - 08/25
25 1800 72 72 Cell
Iris (Tall Bearded Iris)
1741327 Iris germanica 'Batik'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
13 975 75 #1 Rhizome
1741320 Iris germanica 'Batik'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
50 1250 25 #1 Rhizome
1741440 Iris germanica 'Blackwater'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
40 1000 25 #1 Rhizome
1741500 Iris germanica 'Breakers'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
46 1150 25 #1 Rhizome
1741507 Iris germanica 'Breakers'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
89 6675 75 #1 Rhizome
1741837 Iris germanica 'Edith Wolford'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
46 3450 75 #1 Rhizome
1741830 Iris germanica 'Edith Wolford'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
31 775 25 #1 Rhizome
1741977 Iris germanica 'Immortality'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
43 3225 75 #1 Rhizome
1741970 Iris germanica 'Immortality'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
42 1050 25 #1 Rhizome
1742370 Iris germanica 'Mariposa Autumn'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
32 800 25 #1 Rhizome
1742377 Iris germanica 'Mariposa Autumn'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
24 1800 75 #1 Rhizome
1742720 Iris germanica 'Neptune's Wine'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
31 775 25 #1 Rhizome
1742727 Iris germanica 'Neptune's Wine'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
45 3375 75 #1 Rhizome
1742810 Iris germanica 'Peggy Sue'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
36 900 25 #1 Rhizome
1742817 Iris germanica 'Peggy Sue'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
30 2250 75 #1 Rhizome
1743050 Iris germanica 'Pure as Gold'  NEW
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
43 1075 25 #1 Rhizome
1743410 Iris germanica 'Savannah Sunset'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
44 1100 25 #1 Rhizome
1743417 Iris germanica 'Savannah Sunset'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
51 3825 75 #1 Rhizome
1743420 Iris germanica 'Sharp Dressed Man'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
34 850 25 #1 Rhizome
1743427 Iris germanica 'Sharp Dressed Man'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
49 3675 75 #1 Rhizome
1743740 Iris germanica 'That's all Folks'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
25 625 25 #1 Rhizome
1743747 Iris germanica 'That's all Folks'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
17 1275 75 #1 Rhizome
1743900 Iris germanica 'Wintry Sky'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
25 625 25 #1 Rhizome
1743907 Iris germanica 'Wintry Sky'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
30 2250 75 #1 Rhizome
Iris Intermediate Bearded (Intermediate Bearded Iris)
1741920 Iris Intermediate Bearded germanica 'Halston'  NEW
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
20 500 25 #1 Rhizome
1742140 Iris Intermediate Bearded germanica 'Limonada'  NEW
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
20 500 25 #1 Rhizome
Iris Zebra (Zebra Iris)
1748250 Iris Zebra pallida 'Albo Variegata'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
157 3925 25 #1 Rhizome
1748257 Iris Zebra pallida 'Albo Variegata'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
13 6500 500 #1 Rhizome
1748220 Iris Zebra pallida 'Aureo Variegata'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/15
145 3625 25 #1 Rhizome
Lavandula (Lavender)
1750157 Lavandula angustifolia 'Annet'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
19 1368 72 72 Cell
1750227 Lavandula angustifolia 'Big Time Blue'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
18 1296 72 72 Cell
1750237 Lavandula angustifolia 'Big Time White'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
17 1224 72 72 Cell
1750377 Lavandula x intermedia 'Phenomenal'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
14 1008 72 72 Cell
1750317 Lavandula x intermedia 'Sensational'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
19 1368 72 72 Cell
Leucanthemum (Shasta Daisy)
1750668 Leucanthemum superbum 'Becky'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
31 1550 50 50 Cell
1738548 Leucanthemum superbum 'Make My Daisy™ Crazy'  NEW
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
29 1450 50 50 Cell
Lupinus (Lupine)
1751907 Lupinus 'Westcountry™ Blacksmith'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/29
30 2160 72 72 Cell
1751957 Lupinus 'Westcountry™ Manhattan Lights'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/29
30 2160 72 72 Cell
1751977 Lupinus 'Westcountry™ Masterpiece'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/29
30 2160 72 72 Cell
1751997 Lupinus 'Westcountry™ Red Rum'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/29
30 2160 72 72 Cell
1751887 Lupinus 'Westcountry™ Salmon Star'
*Ships 08/18 - 09/29
30 2160 72 72 Cell
Miscanthus (Maiden Grass)
1776568 Miscanthus sinensis 'Bandwidth'  NEW
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
20 1000 50 50 Cell
1776718 Miscanthus sinensis 'Morning Light'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
17 850 50 50 Cell
1776768 Miscanthus sinensis 'Purpurascens'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
39 1950 50 50 Cell
Monarda (Bee Balm)
1752907 Monarda didyma 'Balmy™ Purple'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
17 1224 72 72 Cell
1752917 Monarda didyma 'Balmy™ Rose'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
17 1224 72 72 Cell
1752947 Monarda didyma 'Bee-Mine™ Lavender'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
11 792 72 72 Cell
1752957 Monarda didyma 'Bee-Mine™ Red'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
11 792 72 72 Cell
Nepeta (Catmint)
1753407 Nepeta 'Chartreuse on the Loose'  NEW
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
16 1152 72 72 Cell
1753497 Nepeta faassenii 'Junior Walker™'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
50 3600 72 72 Cell
1753527 Nepeta faassenii 'Walker's Low'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
20 1440 72 72 Cell
Panicum (Switch Grass)
1777108 Panicum virgatum 'Blood Brothers'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
19 950 50 50 Cell
1777098 Panicum virgatum 'Dream Catcher® Smoky Rose®'  NEW
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
40 2000 50 50 Cell
1777078 Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
17 850 50 50 Cell
Pennisetum (Fountain Grass)
1777167 Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/25
13 936 72 72 Cell
Peony (Garden Peony)
1755141 Peony 'Big Ben'
*Ships 09/15 - 10/13
54 1350 25 2-3 Eye
1755140 Peony 'Big Ben'
*Ships 09/15 - 10/13
41 1025 25 3-5 Eye
1755000 Peony 'Blaze'
*Ships 09/29 - 10/13
34 510 15 3-5 Eye
1755030 Peony 'Bunker Hill'
*Ships 09/29 - 10/13
26 390 15 3-5 Eye
1755110 Peony 'Cytherea'
*Ships 09/29 - 10/13
51 765 15 3-5 Eye
1755161 Peony 'Dr. Alexander Fleming'
*Ships 09/15 - 10/13
23 575 25 2-3 Eye
1755160 Peony 'Dr. Alexander Fleming'
*Ships 09/15 - 10/13
51 1275 25 3-5 Eye
1755201 Peony 'Duchesse de Nemours'
*Ships 09/15 - 10/13
58 1450 25 2-3 Eye
1755200 Peony 'Duchesse de Nemours'
*Ships 09/15 - 10/13
90 2250 25 3-5 Eye
1755451 Peony 'Kansas'
*Ships 09/15 - 10/13
40 1000 25 2-3 Eye
1755450 Peony 'Kansas'
*Ships 09/15 - 10/13
74 1850 25 3-5 Eye
1755551 Peony 'Karl Rosenfield'
*Ships 09/15 - 10/13
142 3550 25 2-3 Eye
1755550 Peony 'Karl Rosenfield'
*Ships 09/15 - 10/13
107 2675 25 3-5 Eye
1755621 Peony 'Mons. Jules Elie'
*Ships 09/15 - 10/13
40 1000 25 2-3 Eye
1755620 Peony 'Mons. Jules Elie'
*Ships 09/15 - 10/13
32 800 25 3-5 Eye
1755720 Peony 'Peter Brand'
*Ships 09/29 - 10/13
23 345 15 3-5 Eye
1755650 Peony 'Pink Hawaiian Coral'
*Ships 09/29 - 10/13
67 1005 15 3-5 Eye
1755820 Peony 'Red Charm'
*Ships 09/15 - 10/13
31 465 15 3-5 Eye
1755941 Peony 'Sarah Bernhardt'
*Ships 09/15 - 10/13
67 1675 25 2-3 Eye
1755940 Peony 'Sarah Bernhardt'
*Ships 09/15 - 10/13
139 3475 25 3-5 Eye
1756021 Peony 'Shirley Temple'
*Ships 09/15 - 10/13
49 1225 25 2-3 Eye
1756020 Peony 'Shirley Temple'
*Ships 09/15 - 10/13
45 1125 25 3-5 Eye
1756081 Peony 'Sorbet'
*Ships 09/15 - 10/13
69 1725 25 2-3 Eye
1757840 Peony tenuifolia
*Ships 09/15 - 10/13
75 375 5 3 Eye
Perovskia (Russian Sage)
1758098 Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Bluesette'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
38 1900 50 50 Cell
1758078 Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Lacey Blue'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
19 950 50 50 Cell
Phlox (Woodland Phlox)
1759608 Phlox divaricata 'Blue Moon'
*Ships 08/04 - 08/25
30 1500 50 50 Cell
1758308 Phlox hybrida 'Spring Splash™ Violet'  NEW
*Ships 08/04 - 08/25
38 1900 50 50 Cell
Phlox subulata (Creeping Phlox)
1759648 Phlox subulata 'Amazing Grace'
*Ships 08/04 - 08/25
47 2350 50 50 Cell
1759708 Phlox subulata 'Candy Stripe'
*Ships 08/04 - 08/25
46 2300 50 50 Cell
1759758 Phlox subulata 'Emerald Blue'
*Ships 08/04 - 08/25
120 6000 50 50 Cell
1759808 Phlox subulata 'Emerald Pink'
*Ships 08/04 - 08/25
114 5700 50 50 Cell
1759828 Phlox subulata 'Purple Beauty'
*Ships 08/04 - 08/25
70 3500 50 50 Cell
1759958 Phlox subulata 'Spring® Scarlet'
*Ships 08/04 - 08/25
64 3200 50 50 Cell
Rudbeckia (Black-Eyed Susan)
1763797 Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldblitz'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
22 1584 72 72 Cell
1763807 Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldsturm'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
95 6840 72 72 Cell
1763837 Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii 'Little Goldstar'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
45 3240 72 72 Cell
1763868 Rudbeckia hirta 'Cherry Brandy'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
18 900 50 50 Cell
1763908 Rudbeckia hirta 'Indian Summer'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
20 1000 50 50 Cell
1764018 Rudbeckia hirta 'Sonora'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
17 850 50 50 Cell
1764057 Rudbeckia hirta 'Sunbeckia® Luna'  NEW
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
16 1152 72 72 Cell
1764067 Rudbeckia hirta 'Sunbeckia® Maya'  NEW
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
14 1008 72 72 Cell
1764087 Rudbeckia hirta 'Sunbeckia® Sarah'  NEW
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
14 1008 72 72 Cell
Salvia (Meadow Sage)
1764407 Salvia hybrida 'Blue By You'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
22 1584 72 72 Cell
1764557 Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
21 1512 72 72 Cell
1764707 Salvia nemorosa 'May Night'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
15 1080 72 72 Cell
1764517 Salvia nemorosa 'Marvel Series Blue Marvel'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
19 1368 72 72 Cell
1764747 Salvia nemorosa 'Marvel Series Rose Marvel'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
24 1728 72 72 Cell
Saxifraga (Saxifrage)
1765087 Saxifraga x arendsii 'Marto™ Hot Rose'  NEW
*Ships 08/04 - 08/25
13 936 72 72 Cell
1765097 Saxifraga x arendsii 'Marto™ Red Picotee'  NEW
*Ships 08/04 - 08/25
12 864 72 72 Cell
Schizachyrium (Little Bluestem)
1777468 Schizachyrium scoparium 'Sandhill'  NEW
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
15 750 50 50 Cell
Sedum Low Growing/Ground Cover (Stonecrop)
1765698 Sedum Low Growing/Ground Cover spurium 'What a Doozie'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/11
13 650 50 50 Cell
1765648 Sedum Low Growing/Ground Cover takesimense 'Atlantis™'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/11
17 850 50 50 Cell
Sedum SunSparkler® Series (Stonecrop)
1765508 Sedum SunSparkler® Series 'Angelina's Teacup'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/11
34 1700 50 50 Cell
1765488 Sedum SunSparkler® Series 'Dazzleberry'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/11
16 800 50 50 Cell
1765538 Sedum SunSparkler® Series 'Firecracker'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/11
6 300 50 50 Cell
1765568 Sedum SunSparkler® Series 'Lime Zinger'
*Ships 06/02 - 08/11
11 550 50 50 Cell
Sedum Tall Upright Clumping (Stonecrop)
4565200 Sedum Tall Upright Clumping 'Autumn Joy'
*Ships 08/04 - 09/02
70 1750 25 #1 Div.
4565320 Sedum Tall Upright Clumping 'Matrona'
*Ships 08/04 - 09/02
81 2025 25 #1 Div.
Veronica (Speedwell)
1768628 Veronica longifolia 'Skyward™ Lilac'  NEW
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
18 900 50 50 Cell
1768658 Veronica longifolia 'Skyward™ Pink'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
17 850 50 50 Cell
1769138 Veronica spicata 'Purplegum Candles'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
18 900 50 50 Cell
1769108 Veronica spicata 'Royal Candles'
*Ships 06/02 - 07/14
26 1300 50 50 Cell