Our Guarantee
Upon Arrival
Open all boxes immediately upon arrival, allowing plants to ventilate. Some plants may arrive frozen, as they are stored in our coolers at 28⁰F. Allow to thaw before handling and potting.
Check shipment against packing slip. Reports any shortages and/or concerns to our office within 10 days.
Bare root perennials should be potted first. Store them at 35-40⁰F until time of potting.
Plugs should be stored in a warm greenhouse with adequate light until time for transplant.
Growing Tips
Soil: Most perennials grow best in a well-drained soilless mix. Consult your local supplier for recommendations.
Watering: Ensure that newly potted perennials are adequately moist, but water sparingly until signs of growth appear. Too much water early may cause root rot.
Light: Provide good light for best growth. Most shade-loving perennials do not need to be shaded until late spring when light intensifies and temperatures increase.
Temperature: Grow at 50⁰F minimum. Allow 6-8 weeks to finish.
Fertilizer: Do not fertilize newly potted perennials until there are signs of growth. When shoots appear, fertilize at half strength.
Containers for clumps. Use quart containers for 1-2 eye or #2 perennials.
Freight: Concerns over delayed or damaged shipments must be reported on the carrier’s bill of lading in order to be considered. Report your concerns to our office immediately.
Product: We guarantee all plants to be true to name and of good quality when shipped. Any quality concerns must be reported to our office within 15 days of receipt of order to be considered. For any product claims or disputes, we shall be held liable for plant cost only and in no case shall be liable for any cost greater than that. If you received plants that are non-viable or did not break dormancy, you have 90 days to submit a claim for it to be considered.