Dahlia 'GoGo Two Tone Purple/White'

Patio Dahlia

In Stock

Vibrant purple and white two-toned flowers.

  •  · White and pink two-tone flowers
  •  · Blooms all summer
  •  · 4-6" flowers, will finish in 75 days
Item # Pack Size Avail Units Avail Plants  
25 #1 Tuber
*Ships 02/03 - 07/07
23 575 Login for Pricing


14-20 in


15-24 in



Dahlia 'GoGo Two Tone Purple/White'
Dahlia 'GoGo Two Tone Purple/White'


Sun Tolerant

Soil Moisture Needs

Average Soil

Nature Attraction

Attracts Butterflies


Good Container Plant
Good Cut Flower / Foliage

Season of Interest (Flowering)



Dahlias make excellent potted plants and/or patio containers.  They bloom summer until frost, providing late summer color to the garden when most perennials are past their prime.  Dahlias are also a favorite holiday crop, especially for Easter and Mother's day.

Soil: Use a well-drained potting soil with a pH 6.5 - 7.0

Planting: Plant tubers so the crown is at or just below the soil surface. Eyes should be visible or will develop where the old stem and tubers meet. Be gentle, some tubers are delicate and easily broken if handled too rough.

Watering: Keep pots evenly moist but not too wet after potting. Too much moisture may lead to crown and root rot. Once growth begins, more frequent watering will be necessary.

Temperature: Grow Dahlias warm at 70 - 75F days.

Light: Dahlias require high light intensities, provide full sun for best growth.

Fertilizer: Dahlias are heavy feeders, especially the tall patio types. Once foliage is present, apply a slow-release top dressing or liquid feed with a well-balanced fertilizer at 200 ppm N.

Plant Growth Regulators: A-Rest is effective in controlling height on dahlias. Apply as a drench when shoots are emerging from the soil, usually 2 - 3 weeks after planting.

Pinching: Pinching can help to control height and will produce bushier plants with more flowers. Pinch early, after 3 - 4 leaf pairs. Pot dahlias do not require any pinching.

More About GoGo Series

The GoGo Dahlias have been selected for their large flowers yet compact growth. Considered to be “Mini Dinnerplates". These vigorous and fast growing dahlias will finish in 75 days and have exceptionally strong stems, which requires no staking. They are well branched, requiring no pinching, and produce an abundance of large 4-6" flowers. Excellent for larger, 8-10", patio containers.