Green Colored Blooms  - Zone 0


Green Colored Blooms

3 plants matched your request.

  1. Echinacea 'SunSeekers Apple Green'


    White highlights adorn the overlapping and ruffled apple green petals of this unique variety. Flowers surround prominent green-orange cones that are excellent for attracting pollinators.

    •  · Zone: 4-9
    •  · Size: 50 Cell
    •  · Height: 18-24 in
    •  · Pack: 50
  2. Helleborus 'Winter Magic™ Snow Love'

    Lenten Rose

    Creamy white to yellow flowers appear early spring and develop a greenish tinge as they mature. The big, outfacing flowers are held well above the powder-grey, leathery foliage. Vigorous, deer resistant clumps continue to become more floriferous every year making this the perfect evergreen for pots or for a dry, shady spot in the garden.

    •  · Zone: 4-8
    •  · Size: 3" Plug
    •  · Height: 12-15 in
    •  · Pack: 30
  3. Schizachyrium scoparium

    Little Bluestem

    Tight, upright habit of spiky bluish-green foliage; transitions to a striking reddish-bronze. Sturdy, thick stems keep this plant standing tall, even in snow and rain. Seed heads not only add texture to the landscape, but also provide food for birds and small creatures. 

    •  · Zone: 3-9
    •  · Size: 50 Cell
    •  · Height: 2-3 ft
    •  · Pack: 50