Magenta Colored Blooms  - Zone 0


Magenta Colored Blooms

27 plants matched your request.

  1. Alcea rosea 'Halo™ Cerise'


    Large, 5″ single cerise pink flowers with a deep purple halo. Well branched.

    •  · Zone: 2-9
    •  · Size: 3" Plug
    •  · Height: 5-6 ft
    •  · Pack: 30
  2. Armeria maritima 'Splendens'

    Sea Thrift

    Attractive compact habit with tufted evergreen leaves, exceptionally bright carmine rose flowers bloom over a long period in spring.

    •  · Zone: 3-8
    •  · Size: 3" Plug
    •  · Height: 8-10 in
    •  · Pack: 30
  3. Aster 'Kickin® Carmine Red'

    Hardy Aster

    Vibrant magenta-red flowers with yellow centers will cover the foliage of this Aster for weeks in fall, tidy compact-clumping habit, this beauty adds lots of color to the late season garden.

    •  · Zone: 5-9
    •  · Size: 3" Plug
    •  · Height: 24-36 in
    •  · Pack: 30
  4. Aster novi-belgii 'Showmakers® Magenta'

    Hardy Aster

    Add intense color to the late-season garden with this dark magenta Aster. Eye-catching double blooms form a pom-pom shape and smother the compact and bushy foliage, fills out a container nicely.

    •  · Zone: 4-8
    •  · Size: 3" Plug
    •  · Height: 10-12 in
    •  · Pack: 30
  5. Buddleia 'Chrysalis™ Cranberry'

    Butterfly Bush

    Grow and sell this new dwarf buddleia in the same year! This series features an abundance of flowers and continuous blooming from spring through late summer. The dense and upright container habit displays very well on benches and makes it perfect for garden borders, or even mixed combos and hanging baskets. Tolerant of rain and has a high drought tolerance once established. Downy mildew resistant. Great addition to any buttefly garden.

    •  · Zone: 5-9
    •  · Size: 3" Plug
    •  · Height: 20-28 in
    •  · Pack: 30
  6. Delosperma 'Delmara™ Fuchsia'

    Hardy Ice Plant

    Dramatic fuchsia blossoms cover the succulent foliage, not just the tips like other Delosperma series. Tight, well-rounded habit; blooms all summer.

    •  · Zone: 4-8
    •  · Size: 3" Plug
    •  · Height: 4-6 in
    •  · Pack: 30
  7. Delosperma 'Delmara™ Pink'

    Hardy Ice Plant

    Neon pink blossoms cover the succulent foliage, not just the tips like other Delosperma series. Tight, well-rounded habit; blooms all summer.

    •  · Zone: 4-8
    •  · Size: 3" Plug
    •  · Height: 4-6 in
    •  · Pack: 30
  8. Dianthus 'Beauties® Kahori'

    Border Carnation

    Kahori' which means fragrance in Japanese, has compact mounds of dark green foliage and fragrant bright fuchsia-pink blooms with white centers, great for borders or as ground cover.

    •  · Zone: 3-9
    •  · Size: 3" Plug
    •  · Height: 6-8 in
    •  · Pack: 30
  9. Dianthus 'Beauties® Kahori Scarlet'

    Border Carnation

    Kahori® is the new standard for long blooming Dianthus! 'Kahori' scarlet has compact mounds of dark green foliage and fragrant scarlet blooms with white centers.

    •  · Zone: 3-9
    •  · Size: 3" Plug
    •  · Height: 6-8 in
    •  · Pack: 30
  10. Dianthus 'Everlast™ Orchid'

    Border Carnation

    Gorgeous double, hot pink flowers on narrow blue-green foliage; attractive upright growth habit, very fragrant and extremely floriferous providing color all summer; flushes early in spring, flowers late into summer, and flushes again in fall

    •  · Zone: 3-9
    •  · Size: 3" Plug
    •  · Height: 8-12 in
    •  · Pack: 30
  11. Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Firewitch'

    Border Carnation

    Forms clumps of silvery-blue foliage, bright magenta single flowers bloom late spring and occasionally during summer.

    •  · Zone: 3-9
    •  · Size: 3" Plug
    •  · Height: 6-8 in
    •  · Pack: 30
  12. Dodecatheon meadia 'Aphrodite'

    Shooting Star

    This selection of a North American native has magenta-pink flowers with yellow centers that are twice the size of other varieties, the shooting star flowers will appear in late spring and last for several weeks, plants will go dormant in summer, avoid planting in wet soils.

    •  · Zone: 4-8
    •  · Size: #1 Div.
    •  · Height: 18-20 in
    •  · Pack: 50
  13. Echinacea 'Double Scoop™ Watermelon Deluxe'


    More compact, better branching and a higher flower count than the typical double-flowered Echinacea. More reliable first year flowering.

    •  · Zone: 4-9
    •  · Size: 3" Plug
    •  · Height: 22-24 in
    •  · Pack: 30
  14. Echinacea 'Pink Fascinator'


    This one is fun! Loads of bright, cherry red semi-double flowers that look like an English ladies hat with a giant fuzzy pink cone and pink horizontal ray petals; the upright and clumping habit will stay tidy in the garden. Aka "Delicious Candy"

    •  · Zone: 4-9
    •  · Size: 3" Plug
    •  · Height: 16-18 in
    •  · Pack: 30
  15. Echinacea 'SunSeekers Sweet Fuchsia'


    Multiple rows of pointy fuschia pink petals with green cones that darken as they mature. Very floriferous!

    •  · Zone: 4-9
    •  · Size: 3" Plug
    •  · Height: 18-24 in
    •  · Pack: 30
  16. Eupatorium dubium 'Baby Joe'

    Joe Pye Weed

    Shortest of them all, sturdy upright growth with large clusters of bright fuchsia flowers, flowers are very fragrant and a magnet for butterflies.

    •  · Zone: 4-8
    •  · Size: 3" Plug
    •  · Height: 24-36 in
    •  · Pack: 30
  17. Gaura lindheimeri 'Gaudi™ Red'

    Whirling Butterflies

    Forms compact mounds of dark green foliage with short spikes of deep rose-red flowers, stems and buds are dark red for added color, excellent branching habit provides continuous summer bloom.

    •  · Zone: 5-9
    •  · Size: 3" Plug
    •  · Height: 10-16 in
    •  · Pack: 30
  18. Geranium sanguineum 'Max Frei'


    More compact and floriferous than other varieties in this species. Plants are fast growing and maintain attractive foliage throughout summer; deep magenta flowers bloom all summer.

    •  · Zone: 3-8
    •  · Size: #1 Div.
    •  · Height: 8 in
    •  · Pack: 25
  19. Hibiscus 'Summer Carnival'

    Rose Mallow, Hardy Hibiscus

    7" deep magenta, tropical like flowers on variegated foliage. Green leaves are edged in a narrow band of white with hints of pink; even the buds are interestingly striped green and white. Durable and hardy with a compact habit.

    •  · Zone: 4-9
    •  · Size: #1 Div.
    •  · Height: 36-48 in
    •  · Pack: 25
  20. Monarda didyma 'Balmy™ Rose'

    Bee Balm

    Best mildew resistance of today's commercial cultivars. Floriferous and compact. Rose colored flowers over lance-shaped dark green fragrant foliage.

    •  · Zone: 4-9
    •  · Size: 3" Plug
    •  · Height: 10-12 in
    •  · Pack: 30
  21. Peony Tree x suffruticosa 'Sunset (Purple)'

    Tree Peony

    Semi-double magenta flowers, 8-10" diameter. Chinese name Luo Yang Hong.

    •  · Zone: 4-9
    •  · Size: 3-4 Branch
    •  · Height: 4-5 ft
    •  · Pack: 5
  22. Phlox Dwarf Garden paniculata 'Early® Cerise'

    Dwarf Garden Phlox

    This series has the earliest bloom time of any paniculata Phlox. Blooms 2-3 weeks earlier than other types. Bright fuchsia-pink fragrant flowers appear in summer for an exceptionally long bloom time. Thrives in semi-shade.

    •  · Zone: 4-8
    •  · Size: 3" Plug
    •  · Height: 12-16 in
    •  · Pack: 30
  23. Phlox Dwarf Garden paniculata 'Early® Magenta'

    Dwarf Garden Phlox

    This series has the earliest bloom time of any paniculata Phlox. Blooms 2-3 weeks earlier than other types. Fragrant magenta flowers appear in summer for an exceptionally long bloom time. Thrives in semi-shade.

    •  · Zone: 4-8
    •  · Size: 3" Plug
    •  · Height: 12-16 in
    •  · Pack: 30
  24. Phlox Tall Garden paniculata 'Nicky'

    Tall Garden Phlox

    The darkest of all purple phlox! Fragrant, dark magenta-purple flowers; mildew resistant.

    •  · Zone: 4-8
    •  · Size: 3" Plug
    •  · Height: 36 in
    •  · Pack: 30
  25. Sedum SunSparkler® Series 'Dream Dazzler'


    A sport of Plum Dazzled. Colorful tricolored leaves emerge in spring with collage of pink, white and purple. In full summer sun, the centers turn dark purple with hot pink edges. Masses of magenta-pink flowers in early fall.

    •  · Zone: 4-9
    •  · Size: 3" Plug
    •  · Height: 6-8 in
    •  · Pack: 30
  26. Sedum SunSparkler® Series 'Plum Dazzled'


    In spring, foliage starts off a deep plum color and lasts through out the season. In late summer, large 8" magenta blooms cover the dark foliage. 40% darker than its 'Dazzleberry' sibling. Plum Dazzled will bloom 2-3 weeks later as well.

    •  · Zone: 4-9
    •  · Size: 3" Plug
    •  · Height: 6-8 in
    •  · Pack: 30
  27. Verbena canadensis 'Homestead Hot Pink'

    Rose Vervain

    Produces a carpet of hot pink color from spring to late summer. Very tolerant of heat and drought and is mildew resistant.

    •  · Zone: 6-10
    •  · Size: 50 Cell
    •  · Height: 4-6 in
    •  · Pack: 50