2025 Ground Cover Finished Pot Catalog  - Zone 6


2025 Ground Cover Finished Pot Catalog


  • 2 tray per variety minimum
  • 108 trays (10 pots/tray) fill 1 tall rack
  • 60 trays (10 pots/tray) fill 1 small rack
  • Orders must be entered in FULL RACKS (108 trays/tall or 60 trays/small)
  • Enter number of TRAYS of each variety you would like to order


  1. Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop'


    Very dark burgundy, almost black glossy foliage. Dark violet-blue flowers bloom early spring. Plants are resistant to powdery mildew; heat tolerant.

    •  · Zone: 3-9
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 4-6 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  2. Ajuga reptans 'Blueberry Muffin'


    Extremely vigorous and noted for its 8" blueberry-blue flowers spikes and small, thick weather resistant leaves. Leaves emerge with a bronze flush in mid-spring, contrasting nicely with the flowers, and form a dense mat of attractive rosettes. Perfect for planting between stepping stones, in wall crevices or rock gardens.

    •  · Zone: 3-9
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 6-8 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  3. Ajuga reptans 'Bronze Beauty'


    Burgundy-bronze foliage creates a beautiful backdrop for blue flowering spikes that appear in spring.  A hardy groundcover that quickly forms a dense carpet-like mat that is perfect for planting between stepping stones, in wall crevices or rock gardens.

    •  · Zone: 3-9
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 2-5 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  4. Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow'


    Bright tricolor foliage variegation of burgundy, cream, and green. Blue flower spikes bloom early spring.

    •  · Zone: 3-9
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 4-6 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  5. Ajuga reptans 'Catlin's Giant'


    Large purple-bronze leaves with 10" blue flower spikes, in early spring.

    •  · Zone: 3-9
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 6-10 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  6. Ajuga reptans 'Chocolate Chip'


    Noted for its extremely dwarf habit, cholcolate foliage and intense bluish-purple flower spikes. Glossy, oval leaves are chocolate with burgundy highlights and form a dense mat of attractive rosettes. Perfect for planting between stepping stones, in wall crevices or rock gardens.

    •  · Zone: 3-9
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 2-3 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  7. Ajuga reptans 'Metallica Crispa'


    Quickly forms a low carpet of medium-sized, crinkled and twisted leaves. Bronze-purple foliage develops a striking metallic sheen, creating a stunning effect in shady areas. Deep blue flowers contrast nicely with the foliage.  Perfect for planting between stepping stones, in wall crevices or rock gardens.

    •  · Zone: 3-9
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 4-6 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  8. Hedera helix 'Golden Ingot'


    Glossy, pale golden-yellow leaves with dramatic, irregular dark green variegation; yellow turns cream in warmer months. Short, trailing habit makes it great as a ground cover, for climbing walls or for hanging baskets.  Grows equally as well indoors as it does outside.

    •  · Zone: 5-9
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 3-6 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  9. Hedera helix 'Thorndale'


    A beautifully variegated form of English Ivy with noticeable creamy white veins on very large, rich forest green leaves. The classic American groundcover with a a strong vining habit and self-clinging tendrils that easily climb walls, pillars, arbors and fences.

    •  · Zone: 5-9
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 6-8 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  10. Liriope muscari 'Big Blue'


    Forms shorter tufted clumps of grassy evergreen foliage. Dark violet-blue flower spikes that resemble hyacinth, bloom late summer through fall.

    •  · Zone: 5-9
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 8-10 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  11. Liriope muscari 'Variegata'


    Forms attractive tufted clumps of green and cream variegated foliage. Short spikes of violet-blue flowers bloom late summer through fall.

    •  · Zone: 5-9
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 10-12 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  12. Liriope 'Purple Explosion'


    Forms a tight clump of weeping, narrow green foliage with an "explosion' of deep purple flower spikes in fall. Abundant flowering makes this variety perfect for mass plantings or for containers. 

    •  · Zone: 5-9
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 8-10 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  13. Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea'

    Creeping Jenny

    Small, round leaves that are a brilliant yellow when grown in full sun. Grown in shade the leaves will be lime green or chartreuse. Covered with cup shaped yellow blooms early Summer. Good choice around ponds, streams and waterfalls and cascades nicely over rocks and walls. 

    •  · Zone: 3-9
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 3-6 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  14. Ophiopogon japonicus

    Mondo Grass

    Attractive clumps of evergreen, grass-like green leaves make a beautiful, low maintenance groundcover or border.  Tiny spikes of lilac flowers appear in summer. 

    •  · Zone: 6-10
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 10-12 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  15. Ophiopogon japonicus 'Nana'

    Mondo Grass

    Forms dense tufts of arching, strap-shaped, dark green leaves with bright blue berries. This popular evergreen grass is tough, durable, very compact and perfect for adding texture to the garden.

    •  · Zone: 6-10
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 3-6 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  16. Pachysandra terminalis

    Japanese Spurge

    Shrubby evergreen ground cover with glossy dark green, coarsely toothed, oval leaves. Forms a dense carpet of rich foliage with tiny white flower spikes in mid to late spring. 

    •  · Zone: 4-9
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 6-12 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  17. Pachysandra terminalis 'Green Sheen'

    Japanese Spurge

    Improved selection. Slightly more compact with very glossy green foliage; tiny white flowers in spring

    •  · Zone: 3-9
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 6 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  18. Sagina subulata

    Irish Moss

    Dense green mat of foliage; tiny white flowers bloom late spring.

    •  · Zone: 4-7
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 2-4 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  19. Sagina subulata 'Aurea'

    Irish Moss

    Bright golden yellow foliage forms a dense mat; tiny white flowers bloom late spring.

    •  · Zone: 4-7
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 2-4 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  20. Sedum reflexum 'Blue Spruce'


    A drought tolerant groundcover with small, succulent, needle-like blue-green leaves that flush to salmon pink in winter. Yellow flowers accent the foliage and attract pollinators in early summer. A beautiful addition to containers, rock gardens, and alpine gardens. 

    •  · Zone: 3-9
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 5-7 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  21. Sedum spurium 'Dragon's Blood'


    A mat-forming evergreen ground cover with fleshy, rounded bright green leaves edged in burgundy. Edges deepen to bronze-red in summer before changing to brilliant red in fall.  Sitting atop short stems, clusters of small, ruby-red starry flowers appear in summer. Can withstand poor, dry soil conditions.

    •  · Zone: 3-9
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 4-6 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  22. Sedum spurium 'Red Carpet'


    A lovely, vigorous ground cover of green foliage that blushes deep rose in the summer and turning deep burgundy in the fall. It produces masses of tiny pink blooms each summer and looks attractive when planted in large drifts. Elegant choice for rock gardens, edging, layering or growing in patio containers & hanging baskets.

    •  · Zone: 3-9
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 4-6 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  23. Sedum SunSparkler® Series 'Cherry Tart'


    An abundance of succulent-like, rounded, cherry red leaves taht retain their color all season long, very dense and well-branched creating a colorful ground cover when planted in masses. Huge clusters of bright pink flowers appear in late summer to early fall. 

    •  · Zone: 4-9
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 4-6 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  24. Sedum SunSparkler® Series 'Dazzleberry'


    Blue-purple foliage similar to Vera Jameson with shorter internodes resulting in very compact growth. Superb terminal branching produces huge 9" clusters of bright raspberry-red flowers. One of the best!

    •  · Zone: 4-9
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 6-8 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  25. Sedum SunSparkler® Series 'Firecracker'


    Improved Cherry Tart with cherry-red foliage. Superior branching habit forms dense compact mounds. 5" pink flower clusters bloom mid-late summer. Great color all season.

    •  · Zone: 4-9
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 6-8 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  26. Sedum SunSparkler® Series 'Lime Zinger'


    Fantastic color combination of lime green leaves with a cherry-red picotee edge. Compact growth with small thumbnail size leaves. Brilliant pink flowers bloom late summer. Great color all season.

    •  · Zone: 4-9
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 6-8 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  27. Sedum SunSparkler® Series 'Plum Dazzled'


    In spring, foliage starts off a deep plum color and lasts through out the season. In late summer, large 8" magenta blooms cover the dark foliage. 40% darker than its 'Dazzleberry' sibling. Plum Dazzled will bloom 2-3 weeks later as well.

    •  · Zone: 4-9
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 6-8 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  28. Thymus 'Hi Ho Silver'

    Creeping Thyme

    A versatile, edible herb that forms an aromatic carpet of silvery-green foliage with white margins. Petite pink flowers bloom in summer.

    •  · Zone: 4-8
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 2-3 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  29. Thymus praecox 'Coccineus'

    Creeping Thyme

    Clusters of small, deep pink, tubular flowers on top of an aromatic carpet of tiny, glossy, blue-green foliage; blooms profusely in early to mid summer. Excellent ground cover or filler between steppingstones where it releases its fragarance when trodden on. Rich in nectar, they attract bees and butterflies.

    •  · Zone: 3-8
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 2-3 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  30. Thymus serpyllum 'Pink Chintz'

    Creeping Thyme

    Tight, low growing creeping thyme with thick stems of fuzzy, gray-green foliage which omit a pleasing scent. Blooms in early-spring with a profusion of salmon-pink flowers; rich in nectar, they attract butterflies. Tolerates light traffic between stepping stones as well as dry conditions. Great ground cover for small spaces.

    •  · Zone: 4-8
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 1-3 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  31. Thymus vulgaris 'Archer's Gold'

    Wild Thyme

    A lovely blanket of bright gold foliage all year long and has a nice lemon scent when stepped on. Excellent between pavers or edges of sunny beds. Can also be used for cooking.  Light lavender and pink blooms in late summer are loved by pollinators. This plant needs sharp drainage to succeed. Over watering will impair growth. 

    •  · Zone: 5-9
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 1-3 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  32. Vinca minor 'Bowles Variety'


    Dark green leaves with deep blue flowers. More of a mounding variety vs. rooting along the stem.

    •  · Zone: 4-9
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 6-8 in
    •  · Pack: 10
  33. Vinca minor 'Ralph Shugert'


    Evergreen ground cover that forms a dense mat of glossy, dark green leaves trimmed with a uniform thin white border; bright blue flowers appear in spring. Can be used to brighten a shady area.

    •  · Zone: 4-9
    •  · Size: 4" Pot
    •  · Height: 4-6 in
    •  · Pack: 10